The recourse taken is to be first to fasten on to a claim that others banks could also well advance. 可以采取的补救办法是首先紧扣其它银行所能做出的宣传。
The creditors of the JV Company only have the right of recourse to the assets of the JV Company and shall not be entitled to claim for compensation, damages or other relief from a Party. “合资公司”的债权人仅对“合资公司”的资产享有追索权,而无权向《合同》或本《章程》任何一方要求补偿、损害赔偿或其它形式的救济。
Such public expressions of displeasure are often the only recourse for disgruntled villagers, who usually have no official documents to back up their claim to a piece of land. 这种公开表达不满,常常是心存不满的村民唯一可诉诸的途径。他们通常没有正式文件支持他们对一块土地的权利主张。
There exist many problems in respect of the second counting point of the limitation period of recourse claim of CMC in maritime justice practice, and the circle of theory has the controversy whether it should be abolished or not. 我国海商法追偿时效的第二个起算点在海事司法实践中碰到了诸多问题,对此理论界存在着存、废之争。
The right of recourse of negotiable instrument is generalized as a right of note, a right of claim, a complementary right of claim, a right of expect. 本文将票据追索权性质概括为:追索权是一种票据权利,是一种请求权,是补充性的请求权,是期待权。